
Watching Disney Pixars "Up"

I said look at the birdy and my sons tells me off "thats not a birdy! thats a snipe"



We were at Kmart shopping close to closing time when the bell goes off wanring customers it is going to close soon. Se turns to me and yells "MUMMY DONT PRESS THE BUTTON!!"


Don't be mean

"Don't be mean mummy!"
"How am I being mean?"
*points at my eyebrow frown*
"Don't do it mama don't be mean! do it like this"
*raises his eyebrows really high and smiles*


Lemon Icecream?

"I wanna have a lemon icecream. you know, yellow one!" (we've never had lemon flavoured icecream)

Going out to play

Goes outside the back to play "bye bye mummy, see you at 6 o-clock"


At the beach

We point out a jellyfish beached on the sand and he says "not a poo poo! It's a jellyfish".


Sitting on the toilet

Seb was sitting on the toilet and he pretended to do a wee
"pssssssssssss. there mummy I did it"
"erm no"
"pssssss pisssss piston cup!"


Star Wars

Put a large basket upside down on his head and said "I'm R2D2 from the Tv, Star Wars"

Australian pee

Seb peed on the ground and before I could get upset he points at the puddle and goes "loook! Australia!" 

(It was shaped like Australia without the tip on QLD with 3 Tasmania's).

Makeshift tail

Took his pants off, tucked it into his behind and exclaimed "I've got a tail! Sebby got a tail"

Driving past his daycare centre

"Can I go to daycare on the moon?"


When his Aunty stayed over here

"get up from bed, go my room play, get up"

Mouth Wash?

At the shops one night we were walking down the toiletries aisle and Seb saw the listerine bottles "look daddy, midori! lots of midori" 

Comparing things

Bites a biscuit "like a moon", eats his apple "like a rock", sees a huyundai "like mummys car", eating rice "looks like maggots" 

Teaching him geography

"the capital is canberra of australia"

On buying a new wallet

Seb insisted to hold it in the shops, then opened it up and started asking "wheres it gone, wheres the money, wheres the keycards?"

Guess what?!

"Guess what?! I gotta go to daycare and have a coke"

Red Rooster

"bok bok red chicken"


honey meatmix breakfast?

when I looked sad

"mummy, it's alright baby. bobbi-lee it's alright"

A different language

Sebs walking around saying "blank mini black mini" he's talking about the car but if you knew what I thought, you'd be laughing too.

Correcting me

"Not sebby! I SEB remember"

I win

"eat your breakfast" 
"that not breakfast thats dinner!" 
"thats lunch" 
"thats not lunch it's breakfast" 

Getting cold

"mummy, cold bumcrack, colllldddd bumcrack"


Seb is pretending to swipe my Spotlight card against the TV remote and saying "swipe, swipe, keycard money"


Seb was playing with his baby doll "Alira" (he named it) and pretending to feed her and put her to sleep when he asked me where her willy was LOL so after I explained it all that she was a girl he goes "that's not a girl, that's a sister!"

Needs a wake up

"I'm tired, I want chocolate milk"

Lolly yoghurt

Seb just had a mini-meltdown over me putting crushed berries in his yoghurt, so I told him they were lollies and so he's sitting there eating his, as he says, "yummy yum lollies yogo"

Musical ear

*credits start playing* "Mummy listen, look, listen piano. Can you hear it? Piano, like daddy"

Watching Ice Age

"lots of chickens"
"they aren't chickens, baby"
"they're ducks?"
"no, they're dodos"
"no!! they aren't potatos!"
"not potatos, dodos"
"not dodos, they are potatos! potato dodos!"

"Guess what?!

"Guess what?!.....I love you."


Seb looking out the window "where's the raining gone? Where is it?"

Playing outside after rain

"Sebastian, please don't get wet"
"okay mum"
*5 seconds later he's splashing in the puddles*
"What did I say???"
"Please get wet!"

Watching Star Wars

"who's that?"
"that's Yoda"
"that's Toyota!"

Whens the baby coming?

"baby come out?" "not yet, in November" "not November. Yesvember"

New baby

"what planet mummy?" "what planet is what?" "what planet baby from?" hahahah I think I wet myself laughing!