

ME: "Seb dont bump me I dont want to make a mistake"
Seb: "just make a steak mummy and Sebby go yum yum yum and EAT IT"



"Mummy, I'm sad"
"Oh, how can I make you feel happy?"

"I don't want to"
"You don't want to feel happy?"
"No. I want to be sad"

pasta nails

I asked seb why he bites his nails and he said they were yummy like pasta!


In the Doctors waiting room today, Seb says to me "Mummy, just go to November. I wanna see the baby"


"Seb do you want to watch a movie?"
"Yes. Only Sebastian the crab movie"


"How old are you?"
"What's your name?"
"Yes, your name is Sebby, but what's your other name?"
"Sebastian the crab"
*Laughs* "No you're not a crab, you're Sebastian, the boy"
"I want to be a crab. A red crab."

Saving money

"Sebby save LOTS of money and buy a pool for Christmas and all the kids will come and its fun"


"Here mummy, I got a present for you" *hands me a wash cloth* "Now just do the dishes"