

ME: "Seb dont bump me I dont want to make a mistake"
Seb: "just make a steak mummy and Sebby go yum yum yum and EAT IT"



"Mummy, I'm sad"
"Oh, how can I make you feel happy?"

"I don't want to"
"You don't want to feel happy?"
"No. I want to be sad"

pasta nails

I asked seb why he bites his nails and he said they were yummy like pasta!


In the Doctors waiting room today, Seb says to me "Mummy, just go to November. I wanna see the baby"


"Seb do you want to watch a movie?"
"Yes. Only Sebastian the crab movie"


"How old are you?"
"What's your name?"
"Yes, your name is Sebby, but what's your other name?"
"Sebastian the crab"
*Laughs* "No you're not a crab, you're Sebastian, the boy"
"I want to be a crab. A red crab."

Saving money

"Sebby save LOTS of money and buy a pool for Christmas and all the kids will come and its fun"


"Here mummy, I got a present for you" *hands me a wash cloth* "Now just do the dishes"



"Oh no it's bleeding mummy it's bleeding, sebby got blood"
*I run to him* "whats bleeding baby?"
"the strawberry mummy, it's got blood, the strawberry is bleeding"



"sebby have that blue Mitsubishi mummy?" "yes seb" "sebby have that white ford too and that yellow Suzuki and that green.." "sebby you can have ALL the cars ok!" "no! I don't want that yucky Holden mummy!!"



"mummy I did a fart"
(after I dont repond for 2 minutes)
"Helloooooo?! I did a fart"


pet shop

"we gotta go to pet shop and sebby get a trevor turtle and mummy get a nemo!!"


"Look at Willow mummy, he's eating. He's eating his willy"
(Our cat willow was cleaning himself down there!)

looking in our fish pond

"Sebby likes the big fish, the really big one"
"Do you?"
"yes. the shark! The really cool shark, the shark is cool. Sebby likes the white milky shark its a milky one"
"oh thats cool"
"Not cool! Cooo-hooo-hooo-hoooo-ooooolllllll"


darth vader

*points at darth vader* "thats a black man mummy!"


S: "when daddy comes back from work we can play basketball"
Dad: "if it isnt raining we can play basketball"
S: "it's raining tomorrow at 12 oclock!"

Drawing a leaf

Me: "thats a beautiful leaf"

S: "That's not beautiful!! Thats a COOL leaf"


Disinfectant in the toilet bowl

Don't put this in the toilet mummy. You silly boy! Naughty boy putting it in the toilet.

What would you like for lunch?

I want cheese. and meat. in a bread...like a...sandwich. And make it like this and dont let it get everywhere ok.


"I'm a good V6 draw-er mummy"


toilet paper

Seb just came out of the toilet with toilet paper wrapped around his feet. "I wear toilet paper shoes mummy!!

Not a boy

"Mummy you're not a boy, you're a sister."


"Dont eat the icecream or you will go hospital!"


"Sebby have that ferarri!"
"Yes, in two weeks and thirty minutes"

Top gear

Seb's watching Top Gear and keeps telling me all the cars that I have no idea about, "that's a pretty cool one mummy, its a turbo bmw" ok whatever you say boy